Saturday, July 7, 2012


Now only at RM390 (n/p RM440)

free postage WHILE STOCK LAST!!!
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Infrared Vibro Pant (Jeans Slim Pant)

Infrared Vibro Pant (Jeans Slim Pant) 

Produk inovatif terbaru Sauna pants yang mempunyai dwi fungsi; terapi panas sauna dan getaran. 
Ianya sangat berkesan dalam mempercepatkan proses memecahkan lemak dan menghancurkan 
selulit yang terdapat pada tiga bahagian meliputi perut, peha dan pinggul. Rekaan yang sama 
seperti Sauna Pants tetapi ditambahbaik dengan kelebihan getaran yang mampu merangsang 
pengaliran darah di dalam tubuh, memecahkan lemak degil dan selulit di tiga bahagian tersebut.

Kos Penghantaran Gdex
Semenanjung Malaysia: PERCUMA
Sabah/ Sarawak: RM15
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Friday, April 8, 2011


Sekiranya anda tercari-cari set sauna pada harga bajet, set Sauna Amber ini adalah pilihan terbaik untuk anda. Dengan 2 pilihan warna iaitu biru dan pink, set sauna ini sempurna untuk anda membantu mendapatkan faedah mandian wap sauna dengan herba.
Ciri-Ciri Set Sauna Amber:
1-Mempunyai rangka sama seperti Sauna Diamon
2-Material khemah tebal dengan 3 lapisan: pvc, fiber dan nylon
3-Tidak mempunyai remote control

Harga: RM370 (Percuma Pengurut Kaki dan Herba Aura Sauna 1 Pek)
* Tambah hanya RM10 untuk kerusi lipat
(NP: RM20)

Kos Gdex:
Semenanjung: FREE
Sabah/ Sarawak: RM50
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Friday, January 21, 2011



* within semenanjung malaysia only ;)

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Friday, July 9, 2010


1. Melegakan otot-otot dan menghilangkan sengal-sengal, bisa dan kebas
2. Melancarkan peredaran darah, melancarkan pernafasan, membuang kolestrol dan menyegarkan badan
3. Membuka liang roma dan menyingkirkan kotoran serta toksin daripada kulit dan menjadikan kulit lebih      halus, lembut dan bersih
4. Menyegarkan rambut dan menghilangkan kelemumur
5. Membakar lemak berlebihan
6. Meningkatkan rangsangan seksual
7. Sangat baik bagi wanita dalam pantang

Herba Sauna Aura diproses dengan kaedah moden yang mengekalkan fungsi,bau dan khasiat herbanya. Ia dicipta sepenuhnya oleh saudara keluarga saya sendiri di Jeli, Kelantan.

Antara bahan-bahan yang terkandung ialah:-
Serai wangi, Chapa, Nilam, Balik angin, Selaput tunggul, Cina maki, Pandan, Gelember lembu, Lengkuas, Beka, Kunyit, Kemuning hitam, Limau purut, Jintan hitam, Semeru, Pokok letup-letup, Daun pinang, Misai kucing, Jeringau, Manggis, Lempoyang/ bola, Mengkunyit hidup, Putat, Serai, Resam, Daun kadok, Tutup bumi, Cemamak, Pokok kapal terbang, Ngapir, Setanduk, Kemudu, Jambu batu, Dada kura, Terajam, Manjakani, Petai, Meringan dan Mengkula.

Kandungan & Cara Guna:
Setiap pek mengandungi lima uncang herba. Seuncang boleh diulang guna sebanyak 3 kali.
Masukkan herba ke dalam periuk sauna dan panaskan. Setelah selesai bersauna, herba hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam peti ais untuk disejukkan dan boleh diulang guna semula sebanyak tiga kali.

1 pek (5pcs) = RM20
3 pek (3x5pcs) = RM50

Kos Penghantaran Pos Laju:
Semenanjung Malaysia = percuma
Ke Sabah/ Sarawak = RM15
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Health Benefits of Portable Home Sauna

Portable saunas offer all the benefits of traditional, full-sized saunas. Portable saunas offer the following types of medical and personal benefits:
• Stress relief. Infrared or steam portable saunas can be helpful in reducing stress, by relaxing the muscles and providing a calm environment
• Detoxification. The heat in saunas, causes you to sweat, which helps rid the body of impurities such as heavy metal and environmental toxins
• Skin rejuvenation. The sweat resulting from sauna usage opens and cleanses pores, making skin softer, younger, and glowing.
•Detailed clarification of the skin which akes skin more beautiful, smoother, refresh and silkier.

•Helps lose weight by burning fats from the outside.
•Helps remove toxins from the body (aluminum, cadmium, lead and mercury).
•Reduce body aches, nerves ache, etc.
•Helps increase cardiovascular system.
•Get rid of pressure and relax the muscles.
•Helps blood circulation.
•Increase body immune system.
•Reduce swollen prostate in man.
•Very suitable for those who are paerticular about their body weight and general health.
•Compare the benefits of sauna bath and exercise activities below:
1.Sauna for 15 mins burns 400-600 calories.
2.Doing aerobics for 30 minutes burns 400 calories.
3.Riding bicycle for 30 minutes burns 250 – 500 calories.
4.Jogging for 30 minutes burns 300 calories.
5.Swimming for 30 minutes burns 400 calories.

Another Articles That Support The Advantages of Sauna Bath:

The History of Sauna Bath
The history goes way back a few thousand years ago. During Roman empire, sauna bath have long been practised by the Romans and it was known as "Sudatorium". In Turkey, the Persian call it "Hamam", in Russia it is known as "Banja". In other words, sauna bath have been the way of life for people in the previous century to maintain their health and well-being. It has been used traditionally before modern medicine was introduced.

Traditional Malay Sauna Bath
In the old times, (and in some area still practice it today), the sauna bath is done by boiling herbs in the pot.The sauna user will be put near the pot and covered their body with clothing until the water in the pot dries up with no heat. User will be full in sweats and to those who have fever, the fever will definitely gone after using the sauna. These herbs have been proven to be very effective in restoring our health and beauty and cure/heal all kind of diseases. Now the boiling-the-herbs-in-water process has been modernize so that users will enjoy the sauna bath in a more soothing and calm situation.

The advantage of Hot Sauna bath are:
Warm heat effects the body by :
The warm radiation from the heat gives positive effect to the cardiovascular system. While in sauna (for around 20 minutes), your breathing and pulse reading will increase from 75 bpm to 100-150 bpm. This will increase the blood circulation (not the blood pressure) resulting from the heat opening up the delicate blood vessel to help the rising blood circulation to the entire body. This process will enable the body to divide more nutrients to the entire body, especially to the skin and replace dead cells. So, the dramatic positive difference that you can see is you will have a more beautiful, lustrous, glowy and younger looking skin for a few hours after the sauna.
The warmth will heat the entire body, 'melting' the blood, open up the nerves and causing the blood to flow easily. The heat effect will also soothes muscles that will get rid of all the numbness, and all discomfortness from the body.
The heat will also open up pores, removes dirt and toxins in the skin, making the skin healthier, the hair stronger and fresher, and can eliminate dandruff.
The heat will also goes into the breathing system and straight into the blood circulation system / organs 11functional areas and give good effects to the body. From medical aspect, they are good for sinus treatment, bronchitis, allergies, and asthma.

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Produk hebat yang terkini, evolusi baru dalam sauna. Di antara kehebatan sauna pants ini adalah untuk kecantikan, kesihatan, ibu selepas bersalin dan juga bagi tujuan pelangsingan badan. Berikut adalah maklumat lanjut tentang kebaikan Sauna Pants ini:

Mencantikkan kulit
Mengempiskan perut yang buncit
Dapat menjadikan tubuh lebih kemas dan membentuk semula pinggul secara semulajadi

Mengecutkan perut, rahim dan paha
Menyembuhkan luka-luka dalaman serta menjadikan ibu lebih cergas dan bertenaga

Membakar lemak sehingga 600 kalori
Mencairkan selulit dari luar sama seperti berjoging sejauh 5 kilometer
Berkesan untuk menguruskan badan
Bertungku secara moden (elektronik)

Mengurangkan kesakitan anggota badan, sakit urat, sendi dan sengal-sengal tulang
Menghilangkan tekanan dan perehatan otot
Meningkatkan sistem kardiovaskular dan imunisasi badan
Menghilangkan toksin dalam badan seperti aluminium, cadmium, mercury dan lead
Meningkatkan tahap metabolisme dan melancarkan pengaliran darah
Memecahkan lemak yang berlebihan, mengurangkan penyakit jantung, strok dan darah tinggi serta anti penuaan

Penting! Sebelum memakai Seluar Pants ini, anda harus memakai seluar kapas (cotton) sebelum memakai Sauna Pants. Jangan memakai sauna ini secara terus tanpa lapik. Seluar cotton tersebut bertindak untuk menyerap peluh yang akan keluar apabila menggunakan sauna ini.

Pakai Sauna Pants dalam keadaan yang selesa (baring atau berdiri). Jangan duduk atau meniarap kerana ini akan mendatangkan masalah kepada alat sauna.

Jangan menggunakan losyen atau seumpamanya ketika menggunakan Sauna Pants kerana pori-pori akan terbuka luas dan menyebabkan reaksi pada kulit (alergi/ gatal-gatal).

Anda amat digalakkan untuk meminum air suam. Elakkan meminum air sejuk.

Jangan gunakan Sauna pants sekurang-kurangnya 2 jam selepas makan.
Untuk mendapatkan kesan terbaik, pakai Sauna pants untuk 50 minit pada satu masa.

Jangan memakai Sauna pants melebihi 50 minit pada satu masa. Sauna pants akan berhenti secara automatik setiap 50 minit. Memadai sehari satu sesi sahaja. Penggunaan lebih dari sekali akan mengakibatkan Sauna Pants anda mudah rosak. Jangan gunakan dalam tempoh 45 hari berturut-turut. Sekiranya anda ingin meneruskan sesi sauna selepas 45 hari tersebut, sila jarakkan seminggu kemudian sebelum mengulangi sesi sauna seterusnya.

Jangan pakai terlalu ketat untuk mendapatkan efek sauna. Pastikan Sauna Pants meliputi bahagian abdomen, pinggang dan pinggul anda.
Tetapkan suhu pada tahap maksimum untuk mempercepatkan kepanasan.

Jaminan selama 1 tahun. 

Kos Penghantaran GDEX Express:
Semenanjung Malaysia: Free
Sabah/ Sarawak: RM15

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SAUNA VIBRO PANTS (latest edition)- no stock


Produk inovatif terbaru Sauna pants yang mempunyai dwi fungsi; terapi panas sauna dan getaran. Ianya sangat berkesan dalam mempercepatkan proses memecahkan lemak dan menghancurkan selulit yang terdapat pada tiga bahagian meliputi perut, peha dan pinggul. Rekaan yang sama seperti Sauna Pants tetapi ditambahbaik dengan kelebihan getaran yang mampu merangsang pengaliran darah di dalam tubuh, memecahkan lemak degil dan selulit di tiga bahagian tersebut.
Terdapat 5 mode getaran yang boleh dikawal mengikut keselesaan dan satu mode statik terapi panas sauna yang selesa dan mampu menyebabkan kita berpeluh ketika menggunakannya.
Sesuai digunakan oleh semua peringkat usia untuk mendapatkan faedah dan kebaikan bersauna - membuang kolestrol, mencantikkan kulit, merapatkan rahim, bertindak sebagai tungku moden bagi wanita di dalam pantang, merangsang pengaliran perjalanan darah yang baik, melegakan sengal-sengal dan kesakitan di bahagian belakang dan kaki, membentuk pinggul dan membantu masalah perlawasan.
Sauna Vibro Pants adalah produk terhebat sauna kerana menggabungkan ciri-ciri getaran yang menjadi nilai tambah dan keistimewaan kepada produk sauna ini dan selamat digunakan.

Kaedah penggunaan:

Sama seperti sauna pants tetapi disyorkan digunakan sebelum tidur semasa kita berbaring. Masa bersauna 30 minit dan auto-off setelah 30 minit. Seeloknya digunakan setiap hari dalam keadaan berbaring atau berdiri.
Jaminan selama 1 tahun.

Penghantaran GDEX Express:
Semenanjung Malaysia: PERCUMA
Sabah/ Sarawak: RM15
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RM660 (NP RM740)

Set Sauna Jade FIR:

1. Sauna Tent
2. Remote Control
3. panel Pemanas Far Infrared
4. 2 Kayu Penegak Sauna Tent
5. Kerusi Lipat
6. Pengurut Kaki

~Mudah dilipat dan dipasang serta boleh dibawa ke mana-mana
~Boleh dikawal masa antara 5-30 minit...Mengikut kemampuan anda
~Kain tebal dan kalis air
~Terdapat dalam tiga pilihan warna iaitu putih, pink dan biru.
~Paling terkini di pasaran!
~Jaminan produk selama 1 tahun.
~Terdapat dalam tiga warna menawan: pink, silver dan biru.

JADE FIR SAUNA diperbuat daripada 3 lapisan kain, di mana mengandungi pemanas infra merah. Jika di persekitaran yang sememangnya panas, sauna infra merah selalunya dibuat di kawasan terbuka dan masih memanaskan penggunanya dengan cara yang serupa, memandangkan pemanas tersebut tidak bergantung kepada cuaca yang panas, tetapi kepada cuaca yang ‘suam’ di mana pengguna pasti akan mengeluarkan peluh. Kebiasaannya, sauna ini akan ditempatkan di dalam ruang, yang membenarkan udara mengeluarkan haba dan memberikan kesan sauna tradisional. Di dalam perkataan lain, JADE FIR SAUNA menghasilkan suasana bersauna manakala pengeluar haba (heater) tersebut memberikan terapi infra merah yang sebenar.
Di dalam sauna infra merah, pengeluar haba infra merah tersebut akan mengeluarkan sinaran tenaga, yang menyerupai sinaran matahari tetapi tanpa sinaran sinar ungu yang berbahaya. Hampir semua pengeluar haba (heaters) dibuat mengikut teknologi yang dihasilkan pada tahun 1965 oleh Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa, ahli Jabatan Penyelidikan & Pembangunan Fuji Medical.

Apakah itu Infra Merah?

Sinaran Infra Merah ialah sinaran elektromagnetik dari gelombang (wavelength) yang lebih panjang dari sinaran cahaya, tetapi pendek sedikit berbanding sinaran gelombang radio. Sinaran infra merah ini akan menembusi badan, seterusnya memanaskan badan dan mengeluarkan haba melalui proses “penukaran”,
dan bukannya memanaskan udara di sekitar manusia.

Adakah selamat?
Ya, Produk JADE FIR SAUNA adalah selamat!

Produk sauna kami menggunakan haba panas yang selamat dan efektif, sama seperti sinaran panas haba matahari yang menyamankan. Sinaran panas haba adalah lebih berkesan kerana ia memanaskan tubuh badan manusia, dan bukannya udara sekitar manusia. Ini membolehkan badan manusia menyerap sehingga 93% sinaran haba panas yang disalurkan dari sauna infra merah kami.

Gelombang sinaran infra merah tersebut akan memasuki ke dalam tisu badan sehingga 45mm ke dalam. Tenaga haba yang terhasil (dari infra merah) tersebut selaras dengan sinaran tenaga haba yang dikeluarkan oleh tubuh badan manusia itu sendiri. Banyak faedah dari segi kesihatan jika manusia sering menggunakan sauna untuk menyihatkan tubuh badan mereka.

Produk sauna kami adalah sangat berkualiti dan harganya juga amat berpatutan jika dibandingkan dengan produk sauna lain di luar sana yang belum tentu terjamin keberkesanannya.

Far infrared radiation (FIR) atau Sinaran Infra Merah Jauh telah diklasifikasikan sebagai tidak berbahaya kepada manusia. Malahan, sinaran haba infra merah sering digunakan untuk memanaskan bayi yang lahir secara pra-matang di dalam inkubator hospital. Tetapi kepada mereka yang berpenyakit dan di dalam keadaan yang tidak mengizinkan tidak dibenarkan menggunakan sauna atau jika perlu menggunakannya, haruslah menggunakannya dengan amat berhati-hati kerana tidak mahu sebarang kecederaan menimpa mereka.

HARGA: RM660.00
(N/P: 740.00)

Kerusi Lipat
Pengurut Kaki
Herba Aura Sauna

Penghantaran Gdex Express:
Semenanjung Malaysia: PERCUMA
Sabah/ Sarawak: RM70.00
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RM440Features of this sauna type:
1- Such price is an offer price though the local market price is RM490.
2- This sauna design meets most customers satisfaction because it is very easy to assemble. No tools of installation required, Thus, just open the slide, switch on your steamer and you are ready to sauna in minutes!
3- It is foldable. You can even fold this sauna either into a flat slide or put it in its carrier bag for you travel.
4- This special design of sauna is of an user friendly style and suitable for those who are often on quick and tight schedule of daily routine.
5- Made of high quality clothing and consists of 3 layers; Nylon (external), hot proof Fiber (middle side) and waterproof PVC (inner side).
The pictures below illustrate the ease of assembling this sauna type:

Ways to install

Ways to fold it into a slide and to insert into its bag

Another colour to choose:
Light pink

Buying this sauna now and grab these cool free gifts:
Herbal Aura Sauna (worth RM20)
Foot Massager

Kos Penghantaran GDEX Express:
Semenanjung Malaysia: PERCUMA
Sabah/ Sarawak: RM50
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Are you suffer from hair loss, dandruff and worse migraine?
Why not you take Opal Sauna?
It is effective to heal such problems!


Price: RM520 (n/p RM660)

Detailed of this type of sauna:
1- Physical pattern of this sauna is similar with Jade Infrared Sauna.
2- In assembling this sauna, there should be hassle free as it is very easy to install as well as to store it.
3- No frames installation at all. Hence, you can simply fold it and place it at the corner side of your house after taking off your sauna. Truly space saving.
4- Of all, this sauna type has hair cover can have beneficial effects in recovering the problem of migraine and hair dandruff. Plus, it can gives your skin face more radiant and clean.
5- By using this type of sauna, you can gain the comprehensive sauna benefits on your whole body from top to toe. It will be able to cleanse your toxins and refreshen your body from all the dirts.

Set of this sauna:
1- Steamer pot
2- Sauna tent
3- Folding chair
4- Remote control
5- Hair cover

Ranges of wonderful colours to choose:
Bright blue

Buying this sauna now and you will be entitled to get these cool free gifts:
Herbal Aura Sauna
Foot massager

The picture below demonstrates the method of installing and storing this sauna type:

It simply take you only 1 minute to unfold or put it away. 

Kos Penghantaran GDEX Express:
Semenanjung Malaysia: PERCUMA
Sabah/ Sarawak: RM70
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Compare the benefits of sauna bath and exercise activities below:

1. Sauna for 15 mins burns 400-600 calories.
2. Doing aerobics for 30 minutes burns 400 calories.
3. Riding bicycle for 30 minutes burns 250 - 500 calories.
4. Jogging for 30 minutes burns 300 calories.
5. Swimming for 30 minutes burns 400 calories.

RM440 (Normal Price is RM560)
Detailed description of this type of steam bath sauna is as follows:

1. Made of high quality clothing
There are 3 layers:

Layer 1: Nylon (outside layer)
Layer 2: Hot proof fiber (middle side)
Layer 3: Waterproof PVC (inner side)
2. Easy to set up and to store

3. Requires a litlle bit of installation of its tools to set it up. This installation will take a few minutes before you can enjoy your sauna.
4. The clothing is of high quality material, long lasting and obviously thick.
5. Very cheap and reasonable price.
6. Recognized internationally by having CE approval from overseas and Malaysia Electricity Commission. This means, you are secure to consume this sauna. No hesitation.

7. Very effective and trusted for weight loss program, maintain your health and wellness.

8. Best of all, you can do it from the comfort of your own home!

Another variation of colours of this design: Light blue, Light pink, Silver

Buying this sauna now and grab these cool free items:
• 1 pack of Herbal Aura Sauna - includes of 5 packets worth RM20
• 1 Foot Massager.Want its foldable chair? Yes, buy the chair with only RM10 with this sauna.
* head cover is not included

Diamond Sauna Steamer

Specification of the Steamer:
1.User can control the temperature and time using the remote control or by pushing a button on the steamer.
2.User can change the time in 3 grades, which are 20 minutes, 40 minutes and 60 minutes.

3.Temperature can be changed in 6 grades:
low light (1st grade), middle light (2nd grade),◦high light (3rd grade),◦low and middle light (4th grade),◦low and high light(5th grade),◦low, middle and high light (6th grade).

High temperature: 50 degree celcius.
Voltage: 110V/220V/240V Power: 1000w

Kos Penghantaran Gdex Express:
Semenanjung Malaysia: RM10
Sabah/Sarawak: RM50
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Saunas for Losing Weight

There are many health benefits to using a sauna. This method of relaxation and health maintenance has been in use for several thousand years, and cultures like the ancient Romans and the Scandinavians recognized the advantages of a good, regular sweat. The mental and physical benefits to using a sauna are plenty, and if you have the opportunity to use one, you should take advantage of it!

Some benefits of using a sauna include:
* It works as a stress reliever by helping you to relax and unwind. Relieving stress can lower blood pressure, decrease headaches, and elevate you mood. This will make you more productive, and more pleasant to be around!

* Saunas cause your body to burn calories. Your sweat glands produce sweat, which requires energy, and therefore increases caloric expenditure. Saunas should not be solely relied upon, however, as a weight loss system.

* Saunas raise your body temperature slightly, which gives the effects of a fever. This prompts the body to fight off any viruses or bacteria that can cause illness, thus boosting your immune system.

* Saunas provide a slight cardiovascular benefit in that the heat and steam require the heart to work a little more to send more blood to the capillaries.

* Saunas are an effective way to rid the body of toxins that we ingest from the environment around us through sweating, such as mercury, lead, sodium, and sulphuric acid.

When you take a sauna, you lose a great deal of fluids through the sweating. This might cause a sudden loss of a few pounds, but it is only fluid loss. When you re-hydrate (and you should take in liquids before, during, and after a sauna) your body, the weight will return. There are certain sports that require athletes to make a certain weight class in a very short period of time. These athletes often use saunas as a means of rapid weight loss. Any type of weight loss through dehydration is not safe.

The use of a sauna should be moderate. Sessions should only last for about 20 minutes, due to the increase of body temperature. And older people, or those with heart conditions should consult a physician before trying a sauna.

Using the sauna provides a variety of health benefits, and can be included as part of a sensible diet and exercise program. It can help you maintain your weight, it can rid your body of toxins, keep your complexion clear and bright, and it can help to reduce stress. Saunas are an effective method of health maintenance, if used moderately and properly.
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